All Sonali Bank branch list in Netrakona. Find Sonali Bank PLC near you in Netrakona District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. Sonali Bank PLC, located in Netrakona district of Bangladesh, has a total of 14 branch. The following table of all the branches of Netrakona district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.

Branch Bank City Address
Atpara Sonali Bank Netrakona Atpara, Netrakona
Barhatta Sonali Bank Netrakona Barhatta, Netrakona
Durgapur Sonali Bank Netrakona Durgapur, Netrakona
Hogla Bazar Sonali Bank Netrakona P.O: Hogla, Upzilla: Purbadhala, Netrakona
Kandua Sonali Bank Netrakona Digdair, Netrakona
Khaliazuri Sonali Bank Netrakona Khaliazuri, Netrakona
Kolmakanda Sonali Bank Netrakona Kolmakanda, Netrakona


Lepsia Sonali Bank Netrakona Lepsia, Netrakona
Madan Sonali Bank Netrakona Madan, Netrakona
Madanpur Sonali Bank Netrakona Madanpur, Netrakona
Mohongonj Sonali Bank Netrakona Mohongonj, Netrakona
Netrokona Sonali Bank Netrakona Satpai, Netrakona
Purbodhala Sonali Bank Netrakona Purbodhala, Netrakona
Thakurkona Bazar Sonali Bank Netrakona Thakurkona, Netrakona

About Sonali Bank

With the announcement of the Bank’s Nationalization Order 1972 (Presidential Order-26), which liquidated the former National Bank of Pakistan, Premier Bank, and Bank of Bhwalpur, Sonali Bank quickly became the biggest and most prominent Nationalised Commercial Bank in the country after independence. The bank, a fully state-owned organisation, has been carrying out its national development duties by taking on different socio-economic schemes assigned by the government and engaging in independent money market operations covering all sectors of the economy.
On November 15, 2007, the bank was reorganised as a public limited company, with the government owning 100% of the company. Sonali Bank Limited assumed all of the assets, liabilities, and operations of the previous Sonali Bank. Following corporatization, the bank’s management was granted the necessary authority to maintain the bank’s competitiveness and efficiently conduct business.
The Board of Directors of Sonali Bank Limited is made up of 11 (eleven) members. The CEO and managing director of the Bank is a reputable professional and a well-known banker. The primary business hub of the capital, Motijheel, Dhaka, Bangladesh, is home to the bank’s corporate headquarters.

Data replicated from official bank website Sonali Bank PLC