All Shahjalal Islami Bank branch listings in Sylhet. Find Shahjalal Islami Bank PLC Sylhet District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. Shahjalal Islami Bank PLC, located in Sylhet district of Bangladesh, has a total of 05 branch. The following table of all the branches of Sylhet district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.

Branch Bank City Address
Beani Bazar Shahjalal Islami Bank Sylhet City Centre Bhaban 1st floor, South Beanibazar, Beanibazar, Sylhet
Dargah Gate Shahjalal Islami Bank Sylhet 297 Amberkhana, Dargah Gate, Airport Road, Sylhet
Goalabazar Shahjalal Islami Bank Sylhet Afjal Mansion (1st Floor), JL No: 78, Goala Bazar, P.O.: Goala Bazar, P.S.: Osmani Nagor, Sylhet
Subidbazar Shahjalal Islami Bank Sylhet Merlin Tower, Holding No: 7746, Sunamganj Road, Sylhet
Sylhet Shahjalal Islami Bank Sylhet Al-Falah Tower (1st floor), Dhupadighir Purbopar, Kotowali, Sylhet

About Shahjalal Islami Bank

On May 10, 2001, Shahjalal Islami Bank PLC opened for business in compliance with the principles of Islamic Shariah, as per the Bank Companies Act of 1991. Over the years, Shahjalal Islami Bank PLC has expanded the range of services it offers by opening additional branches in several strategically significant areas around the nation and providing a range of deposit and investment products. Islamic banking is essentially a deal-wise commercial product that carries interest-free banking, generating real income and increasing the GDP of the economy. The Board of Directors holds a prominent position in the nation’s business community, and the Management Team, led by veteran banker Mr. Muhammad Shahidul Islam, is both strong and supportive, with exceptional professional experience.
The vision of Shahjalal Islami Bank PLC is to be the first modern Islami bank in Bangladesh, to significantly boost the country’s economy, and to increase the value of employees, quality investments, customer trust and wealth, and shareholder equity growth at a rapid growth.

Data replicated from official bank website Shahjalal Islami Bank PLC