AB Bank Barisal Branches
All AB Bank PLC branch listings in Barisal. Find AB Bank PLC Barisal District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. AB Bank Limited, located in Barisal district of Bangladesh, has a total of 03 branch. The following table of all the branches of Barisal district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.


Branch Bank City Address
Barisal AB Bank Barisal Monsur Mansion, 101 Sadar Road, Barisal
Natullahbad Sub Branch AB Bank Barisal Gani Bhaban 1583, Natullahbad, B M College Road, Biman Bandar, Barishal
Rupatoli Sub Branch AB Bank Barisal Rayhan Monjil, House No. 5/9, Road No. 8, Rupatoli Housing, Barishal

Other Branches by Names

Branch Bank City Address
Bogra AB Bank Bogra 324 Kazi Nazrul Islam Sarak, Jhawtala, Bogra
Ashuganj AB Bank Brahmanbaria Kashem Plaza, Ashuganj Sadar, Brahmanbaria
Brahmanbaria AB Bank Brahmanbaria 1090/128 Court Road, Brahmanbaria

About AB Bank Limited

AB Bank PLC, Bangladesh’s first private sector bank, was incorporated on December 31, 1981, originally known as Arab Bangladesh Bank. Consequently, the bank officially began operations on April 12, 1982, with a clear mission to become the country’s top-performing financial institution. Over the past 41 years, AB Bank has, therefore, built an impressive legacy, consistently staying true to its goal of being a technology-driven, innovative bank in Bangladesh.

To excel in the modern era of technological advancement, AB Bank has, thus, successfully introduced a range of services, including internet banking, SMS banking, cutting-edge ICT solutions, and 24/7 ATM access, among other e-products. As a result, these innovations have enabled AB Bank to remain a leader in the banking sector, delivering state-of-the-art services that, consequently, enhance customer convenience and satisfaction.

Moreover, AB Bank has significantly expanded its operations over the last four decades, both domestically and internationally. Starting with its first branch at Karwan Bazar on April 12, 1982. Now the bank has 105 branches, including one in Mumbai, India, and over 270 ATMs across Bangladesh. Additionally, the bank has established five subsidiary companies, including an Off-shore Banking Unit and Custodial services, and opened a Representative Office in Yangon, Myanmar, to further extend its global reach.

Data replicated from official Bank Website.