All Bank Asia branch listings in Chittagong. Find Bank Asia Limited Chittagong District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. Bank Asia Limited, located in Chittagong district of Bangladesh, has a total of 19 branch. The following table of all the branches of Chittagong district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.

Branch Bank City Address
Agrabad Bank Asia Bhaban Bank Asia Chittagong Bank Asia Bhaban, 39, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong
Agrabad Bank Asia Chittagong Plot No – 69, Road – Sabdar Ali Road, Agrabad C/A, Double Mooring, Chittagong
Anderkilla Bank Asia Chittagong 184 JM Sen Avenue, Anderkilla, Chittagong
Bahadderhat Bank Asia Chittagong Mamtaz Tower, 4540 Bahadderhat, Chittagong
Bhatiary Bank Asia Chittagong Abid Complex, Bhatiary Bazer, Bhatiary, Sitakund, Chittagong
CDA Avenue Bank Asia Chittagong 665 CDA Avenue, East Nasirabad, Chittagong
Chaktai SME Center Bank Asia Chittagong 1676, River City Market, New Chaktai, Shah Amanat Bridge Connecting Road, Chittagong
Chittagong EZP Bank Asia Chittagong Zone Service Complex, CEPZ, Chittagong
Dohazari Bank Asia Chittagong Sadek Tower, Dohazari, Chittagong


Kamal Bazar Bank Asia Chittagong Kabir Tower, Kamal Bazar Mohora, Kalughat, Chittagong
Karnaphuli EPZ Bank Asia Chittagong KEPZ Zone Service Complex, North Potenga, Chittagong
Khatunganj Bank Asia Chittagong 268/273, Asia Centre, Khatungonj, Chittagong
Lichubagan Bank Asia Chittagong Al-Emarat Complex, Lichubagan, Chandraghona, Rangunia, Chittagong
Lohagara Bank Asia Chittagong Mostafa Centre, Lohagara, Chittagong
MCB Sk Mujib Road Bank Asia Chittagong Ayub Trade Center, 1269/B, SK Mujib Road, Agrabad, Chittagong
Oxygen More Bank Asia Chittagong 422 Oxyzen More, Kulgaon, Biazid, Chittagong
Patherhat Bank Asia Chittagong Ibrahim Sobhar Tower, Patherhat, Noapara, Raozan, Chittagong
Station Road Bank Asia Chittagong Mohiuddin Market, 170 Station Road, Chittagong
Strand Road Bank Asia Chittagong SA Chamber, 317 Strand Road, Majhirghat, Chittagong

About Bank Asia

Bank Asia Limited has a total of 129 branches in 26 districts of Bangladesh. Bank Asia was launched on November 27th, 1999 by a group of successful Bangladeshi entrepreneurs with the main goal of bringing high quality services in the banking sector and actively participating in the growth and expansion of the national economy.

Bank Asia is the only bank in Bangladesh to have acquired the operations of Bangladesh from two foreign banks, Muslim Commercial Bank of Pakistan and Bank of Nova Scotia of Canada. Our aim has always been to strengthen industrial, commercial and financial ties between Bangladesh and foreign countries through trade initiatives and business ventures.

Due to its untiring efforts and long years of experience, Bank Asia today proudly stands among the top banks in Bangladesh with a wide range of business including integrated banking branch, Islamic Windows, offshore banking unit, brokerage branch, agriculture branch and SME. As part of the bank’s commitment to provide all modern and value-added banking services in line with the best standards in the center and globalized world.

Data replicated from official bank website Bank Asia Limited