All BRAC Bank branch listings in Sylhet. Find BRAC Bank Limited Sylhet District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. BRAC Bank Limited, located in Sylhet district of Bangladesh, has a total of 8 branch. The following table of all the branches of Sylhet district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.
Branch | Bank | City | Address |
Beanibazar | BRAC Bank | Sylhet | Hajee A Sattar Market, Beani Bazar, Sylhet |
Bishwanath | BRAC Bank | Sylhet | Didar Shooping Complex, Rampasha Road, Bishwanath, Sylhet |
Bondor SME | BRAC Bank | Sylhet | Noor Mansion, 1458 Main Road, Laldigirpar, Ward#14, Sylhet |
Dakhshin Surma SME | BRAC Bank | Sylhet | 1st Floor, Jaigirdar Plaza, Proposed Holding # 2999, Varthakhola, Station Road, Sylhet |
Goalabazar | BRAC Bank | Sylhet | Anwar Mansion, Holding 93, Ward 7, North Goalabazar, Oasmani Nagar, Sylhet |
Sylhet | BRAC Bank | Sylhet | Pallabi Trade Center, Subidbazar, Sylhet |
Sylhet Uposhahar | BRAC Bank | Sylhet | 3/3 Shahjalal Uposhahar, Main Road, Block D, Sylhet |
Zindabazar | BRAC Bank | Sylhet | Symphony Heights, Barutkhana Road, East Zindabazar, Sylhet |
About BRAC Bank
BRAC Bank Limited has a total of 188 branches located in 55 districts of Bangladesh. BRAC Bank started its journey on July 4th, 2001 as a private commercial bank focusing on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In just a decade, the bank has become one of the top financial hypermarkets in the country with a focus on SMEs. BRAC Bank has a dynamic network of 156 branches, 400 SME unit offices, 500 remittance delivery points, about 350 ATMs and 14 financial kiosks across the country. The stakeholders of the bank are BRAC, the largest non-government organization in the world and International Finance Corporation, the private sector arm of The World Bank. BRAC Bank believes in people and the planet but in a profitable way. The business model of sustainable banking is simpler by incorporating more people into the banking system: BRAC Bank raises money from cash deposits in rural towns to develop small and medium enterprises (SME).
Data replicated from official bank website BRAC Bank Limited