All Dutch-Bangla Bank branch listings in Gazipur. Find Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited Gazipur District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited, located in Gazipur district of Bangladesh, has a total of 13 branch. The following table of all the branches of Gazipur district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.

Branch Bank City Address
Bagher Bazar Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Mecca Tower, Bagher Bazar, Sreepur, Gazipur
Board Bazar Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Monsur Plaza, National Univsersity, Joydebpur, Gazipur
Gazipur Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Asian Tower, Plot No. J-80, Bus Stand Bazar Road, Joydebpur, Gazipur
Gazipur Chowrasta Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Riaz Tower, Gazipur Chowrasta, Gazipur
Joina Bazar Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur 1st Floor, Joina Bazar, Sreepur, Gazipur
Kaliganj Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Goura Bhaban, 220 Kaliganj Bazar, Gazipur


Kapasia Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Mollah Mansion, Banar Hawla, Kapasia, Gazipur
Konabari Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur 1st and 2nd Floor, Anjuman Tower, Plot# A-149 BSIC I/E, Konabari, Gazipur
Mawna Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Hazi Amir Complex, Sreepur Road, Mawna Chowrasta, Sreepur, Gazipur
Mirer Bazar Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Fouzia Sarker Commercial Complex, Mirer Bazar, Pubail, Gazipur
Nayanpur Bazar Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Kazi Complex, 1st Floor, Nayanpur Bazar, Sreepur, Gazipur
Shafipur SME Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Ishadi Tower, Shafipur Bazar, Kaliakair, Gazipur
Tongi Dutch-Bangla Bank Gazipur Razzak Plaza, 8/2 Anarkoli Road, Tongi Bazar, Gazipur

About Dutch-Bangla Bank

Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited has a total of 208 branches located in 55 districts of Bangladesh. Activities of Dutch-Bangla Bank The first joint venture bank in Bangladesh is M Sahabuddin Ahmed (Founder Chairman) and the initiative of local shareholders led by Dutch company FMO. From the beginning, the bank’s focus has been on financing Bangladesh’s high-growth manufacturing industries. The rationale is that the manufacturing sector exports Bangladeshi products worldwide. Through this, financing and concentration in this sector allows Bangladesh to achieve the desired growth. Other focus of Dutch Bangla Bank is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Although CSR is now a cliché, Dutch Bangla Bank has described the sector’s pioneers and contributions as ‘social responsibility’. Due to investment in this sector, Dutch Bangla Bank has become one of the largest donors and largest bank donors in Bangladesh. The bank has won many international awards due to its unique vision as a socially conscious bank. Dutch Bangla Bank is the first bank in Bangladesh to be fully automated.

Data replicated from official bank website Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited