Eastern Bank Limited Rangpur Branch Swift Code, Routing Number, Physical address, Location, Contact Number, Email. Dial PABX: 052155289, 052155290 to connect the branch and experience its best service. Rangpur Branch is your best choice to get a branch of Eastern Bank Limited near you in Rangpur which is located at House 11, Road 1, Dhap Jail Road, Rangpur is definitely close to your location.
Bank Name | Eastern Bank Limited |
Branch Name | Rangpur Branch |
Address | House 11, Road 1, Dhap Jail Road, Rangpur |
Telephone | PABX: 052155289, 052155290 |
SWIFT Code |
Routing Number |
095851451 |
info@ebl-bd.com | |
District | Rangpur |
Note: All information about bank and branch displayed above is collected from respective bank’s website or profile. BanksinfoBD.com is not responsible if found any wrong or incomplete branch information in this page. If found any wrong information, please contact us so that we could update database in the shortest time.
List of all Eastern Bank Limited branches in Rangpur
About Eastern Bank
A total of 85 branches of Eastern Bank Limited are located in 22 districts of Bangladesh. Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) started its journey in 1992 with the vision of becoming the bank of choice and the most valuable financial brand in Bangladesh. Over the years EBL has established itself as one of the top private commercial banks in the country with undisputed leadership in corporate banking and a strong customer and SME growth engine. EBL’s ambition is to create lasting value for the number one financial service provider, its customers, shareholders, employees and above all the community it operates.
Data replicated from official bank website Eastern Bank Limited