All Janata Bank branch listings in Habiganj. Find Janata Bank Limited Habiganj District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. Janata Bank Limited, located in Habiganj district of Bangladesh, has a total of 12 branch. The following table of all the branches of Habiganj district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.

Branch Bank City Address
Bahubal Janata Bank Habiganj PO + PS- Bahubal, Dist: Habigonj-3310
Bulla Bazar Janata Bank Habiganj PO: Bulla Bazar, PS: Lakhai, Dist: Habigonj-3340
Chhatian Bazar Janata Bank Habiganj PO: Chhatian Bazar, PS: Madhabpur, Dist: Habigonj-3332
Chunarughat Janata Bank Habiganj PO + PS: Chunarughat, Dist: Habigonj-3320
Goplar Bazar Janata Bank Habiganj PO- Goplar Bazar, PS: Nabigonj, Dist: Habigonj-3371
Hobigonj Corporate Janata Bank Habiganj Ali Plaza (1st Floor), Puran Munsefi Road, Po: Habigonj 3300, Habigonj Sadar Dist: Habigonj-3300


Madhabpur Janata Bank Habiganj Jagath Mension (1st Floor), Madhabpur Bazar, Madhabpur, Habiganj
Markuli Janata Bank Habiganj PO- Kadirgonj (3352), PS: Baniachang, Dist: Habigonj
Montola Janata Bank Habiganj PO: Awliabad, PS- Madhabpur, Dist: Habigonj-3331
Nabigonj Janata Bank Habiganj PO + PS- Nabigonj, Dist: Habigonj-3370
Nayapara Janata Bank Habiganj PO: Nayapara, PS: Madhabpur, Dist: Habigonj-3333
Shaistagonj Janata Bank Habiganj PO + PS: Shaistagonj, Dist: Habiganj-3301

About Janata Bank

After the liberation war in 1971, steps were taken to combine several banks that had previously operated in this area and create new banks in order to rebuild the nation’s economy. As a result of these efforts, Janata Bank was created in 1972 by uniting the former United Bank Limited and Union Bank Limited under the Banks Nationalisation Order of 1972. On November 15th, 2007, Janata Bank changed its structure to become a public limited company under the name Janata Bank Limited and registered with the Joint Stock of Registrars. Janata Bank operates its operations with 904 branches nationwide, including 4 abroad in the United Arab Emirates.

Data replicated from official bank website Janata Bank Limited