All Standard Bank Limited branch list in Chuadanga. Find Standard Bank PLC Limited near you in Chuadanga District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. Standard Bank PLC Limited, located in Chuadanga district of Bangladesh, has a total of 02 branch. The following table of all the branches of Chuadanga district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.
Branch | Bank | City | Address |
Alamdanga | Standard Bank Limited | Chuadanga | 640/A, London Tower (1st Floor), Alif Uddin Road, Alamdanga, Chuadanga |
Chuadanga | Standard Bank Limited | Chuadanga | Joarder Tower, (1st Floor), 10, Shahid Abul Kashem Sarok, Badurtola, Chuadanga |
About Standard Bank Limited
Standard Bank Limited (SBL) was founded as a Public Limited Company on May 11, 1999, under the Companies Act, 1994 and started its commercial operations on June 3, 1999, making good progress. Standard Bank Limited introduced new credit and deposit products and expanded into Corporate and Retail Banking, demonstrating an innovative approach to banking. Additionally, the bank engaged in fund Syndication with other banks, further expanding its financial reach and influence. These activities helped Standard Bank Limited to have a positive impact and become a strong competitor in the banking industry.
Standard Bank Limited aims to be a leading financial market leader by creating innovative products that meet society’s needs. We are committed to creating positive economic value addition (EVA) every year. Our goal is to be the most cost-efficient commercial bank, topping the list in this respect. Our goal is to become a leading financial institution in the Bangladeshi economy and serve important sectors of the business market.
Standard Bank Limited aims to be a leading financial market leader by creating innovative products that meet society’s needs. We are committed to creating positive economic value addition (EVA) every year. Our goal is to be the most cost-efficient commercial bank, topping the list in this respect. Our goal is to become a leading financial institution in the Bangladeshi economy and serve important sectors of the business market.
Data replicated from official bank website Standard Bank PLC Limited