All Agrani Bank branch listings in Mymensingh. Find Agrani Bank PLC Mymensingh District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. Agrani Bank PLC, located in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh, has a total of 19 branch. The following table of all the branches of Mymensingh district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.

Branch Bank City Address
Atharabari Agrani Bank Mymensingh Roy Bazar, Iswarganj, Mymensingh 2282
Bhaitkandi Agrani Bank Mymensingh Bhaitkandi Bazar, Phulpur, Mymensingh 2250
Bhaluka Agrani Bank Mymensingh Akter Uddin Complex, 2nd Floor, New Bus stand, 2no ward, Bhaluka, Mymensingh
Bidyaganj Agrani Bank Mymensingh Bidyaganj, Mymensingh
Chotobazar Agrani Bank Mymensingh GKMC Shaha Road, Mymensingh 2200
CK Ghose Road Agrani Bank Mymensingh Firoza Mansion (1st floor), 26, C.k. Ghose Road, Mymensingh
Dhara Bazar Agrani Bank Mymensingh Dhara Bazar, Haluaghat, Mymensingh 2261
Gafargaon Agrani Bank Mymensingh Madhya Bazar, Gafargaon, Mymensingh 2230
Ishwarganj Agrani Bank Mymensingh Ishwarganj, Mymensingh
Kaliganj Bazar Agrani Bank Mymensingh Kaliganj Bazar, Chang Bhadera, Nandail, Mymensingh 2291


Kashiganj Agrani Bank Mymensingh Kashiganj Bazar, Khicha, Tarakanda, Mymensingh 2200
Mechua Bazar Agrani Bank Mymensingh Station Road, Mymensingh 2200
Muktagachha Agrani Bank Mymensingh Maharaja Road, Muktagachha, Mymensingh 2210
Mymensingh Agrani Bank Mymensingh GKMC Shaha Road, Mymensingh 2200
Mymensingh Girls Cadet College Agrani Bank Mymensingh Sahara-Chamragodam Road, Mymensingh 2200
Mymensingh Medical College Agrani Bank Mymensingh Dhaka-Mymensingh Road, Mymensingh 2200
Pagla Bazar Agrani Bank Mymensingh Pagla Bazar, Mymensingh
Phulpur Agrani Bank Mymensingh Sherpur Road, Phulpur, Mymensingh 2250
Trishal Agrani Bank Mymensingh Hafiz Monzil, Dhanikhola Road, Trishal, Mymensingh

About Agrani Bank Mymensingh Branches

Agrani Bank Mymensingh Branches are known for their customer-friendly services and commitment to promoting financial inclusion in rural areas. These branches serve as crucial financial hubs, offering a wide range of banking services including deposits, loans, remittances, and other financial products to both individuals and businesses. They play a significant role in the local economy by facilitating financial transactions and supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region. Additionally, they contribute to various government and social initiatives, ensuring that banking services reach all segments of society.

Agrani Bank PLC is a leading commercial bank with 960 outlets strategically located in almost all commercial areas across Bangladesh, foreign exchange houses and hundreds of foreign Correspondents. The bank was established on May 17, 2007 as a public limited company with a view to take over business, assets, liabilities, rights and responsibilities. The Board of Directors of Agrani Bank PLC is headed by a Chairman consisting of 12 members. The bank has 960 branches including 11 circle offices, 34 divisions at the head office, 62 zonal offices and 27 corporate and 40 authorized dealer branches.

Data replicated from official bank website Agrani Bank PLC