All ICB Islamic Bank branch listings in Khulna. Find ICB Islamic Bank Limited Khulna District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. ICB Islamic Bank Limited, located in Khulna district of Bangladesh, has a total of 1 branch. The following table of all the branches of Khulna district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.
Branch | Bank | City | Address |
Khulna | ICB Islamic Bank | Khulna | Tayamun Centr 181, Upper Jessore Road, Khulna-911 |
About ICB Islamic Bank
ICB Islamic Bank Limited was incorporated as a public limited company in April 1987 under the Companies Act, 1913 to conduct all types of banking, financial and business activities, transactions and activities (Shariah) business activities in strict compliance with the principles of Islamic law. Related to, especially avoiding interest on loan and sale transactions and any practice that amounts to interest. The bank has been approved by Bangladesh Bank to conduct banking business in Bangladesh and the actual banking activities of this bank started on 20th May, 1987.
Data replicated from official bank website ICB Islamic Bank Limited