All NRBC Bank branch listings in Barishal. Find NRBC Bank Limited Barishal District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. NRBC Bank Limited, located in Barishal district of Bangladesh, has a total of 06 branch. The following table of all the branches of Barishal district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.
Branch | Bank | City | Address |
Agailjhara | NRBC Bank | Barishal | Dag #5597, Manashi Fullasri, Union: Bagailjhara, Barishal |
Barisal | NRBC Bank | Barishal | Lisa Plaza, Holding #140/1, Ward #15, Sadar Road, Barishal City Corporation, Barishal |
Barishal Sadar Reg Sub Branch | NRBC Bank | Barishal | Barishal Sadar Land Registration Office, Barishal Sadar |
Dhamura Sub Branch | NRBC Bank | Barishal | Kazi Plaza, Dhamura, Ward No: 03, Sholok Union, Upazila: Uzirpur, Dist: Barishal |
Jhalakathi Sub Branch | NRBC Bank | Barishal | Tuton Plaza, Jhalokathi Pourasava, Holding No- 45, Ward No- 05, Jhalakathi, Barishal |
Patarhut Reg Sub Branch | NRBC Bank | Barishal | Patarhut Land Registration Office, Patarhut, Barishal |
About NRBC Bank
The establishment of a new bank for the purpose of using their hard-earned foreign currency to support the economic development of the motherland had long been a cherished dream of Bangladeshi expatriates living in various nations throughout the globe. Demand for a new bank from NRBCs who anticipate increased inflows of overseas remittances and the potential for investment from other investors from different nations is a legitimate basis for consideration.
Numerous NRBCs from industrialised nations possess high levels of education and professional experience in a variety of disciplines, making them viable resources for our nation. In addition to a significant funding pool, NRBC sponsors will also provide “state-of-the-art technology” in order to establish a bank of international standards that is specifically geared towards addressing the nation’s particular developmental demands.
The flow of inbound foreign remittances cannot be boosted solely by expelling our staff; rather, they must be trained and equipped to compete with their peers in other nations. A bank like NRBC may be important in reaching the desired result. In addition, it is highly anticipated that the new bank would be able to compete with the other banks in the current environment of banking in Bangladesh by adopting new concepts of risk management and developing strong assets and organisational health. We think that Bangladesh Bank invited applications for the desired bank and issued letters of intent (LOI) in support of qualified business owners in consideration of the aforementioned difficulties.
Numerous NRBCs from industrialised nations possess high levels of education and professional experience in a variety of disciplines, making them viable resources for our nation. In addition to a significant funding pool, NRBC sponsors will also provide “state-of-the-art technology” in order to establish a bank of international standards that is specifically geared towards addressing the nation’s particular developmental demands.
The flow of inbound foreign remittances cannot be boosted solely by expelling our staff; rather, they must be trained and equipped to compete with their peers in other nations. A bank like NRBC may be important in reaching the desired result. In addition, it is highly anticipated that the new bank would be able to compete with the other banks in the current environment of banking in Bangladesh by adopting new concepts of risk management and developing strong assets and organisational health. We think that Bangladesh Bank invited applications for the desired bank and issued letters of intent (LOI) in support of qualified business owners in consideration of the aforementioned difficulties.
Data replicated from official bank website NRBC Bank Limited