All Union Bank Limited branch list in Shariatpur. Find Union Bank PLC Limited near you in Shariatpur District branches address and location with telephone numbers, routing numbers and SWIFT codes. Union Bank PLC Limited, located in Shariatpur district of Bangladesh, has a total of 01 branch. The following table of all the branches of Shariatpur district will help you to keep the address of any particular branch including location, telephone number, routing number, Swift code and other related information. Clicking on branch names shows you branch information directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by branch name.

Branch Bank City Address
Naria Union Bank Limited Shariatpur Nur Tower (1st Floor), Naria Bazar Main Road, Ward- 02, Naria Pourashava, Shariatpur

About Union Bank Limited

Union Bank PLC was established (Registration No. C-107837/13) in Bangladesh on March 7, 2013, as a banking institution under the Companies Act of 1994. This bank is considered one of the interest-free Islamic banks in the country, with operational methods that are different from conventional banks. Authorization to initiate operations was granted by the Bangladesh Bank on March 10, 2013, as per reference BRPD (P-3)/745(60)/2013-1153. Currently, the bank conducts its financial activities in accordance with Islamic Shariah principles prevailing in the country.
Union Bank PLC stands at the forefront of meeting the surging demand for Islamic banking services across Bangladesh. With the growing economy of this densely populated country, there is a greater demand for accessible banking solutions that are of high quality and global in nature. Union Bank PLC understands the importance of providing services to the “missing middle” group, which is often neglected by corporate banks. By prioritising rural and microeconomic development, the bank aims to unlock the untapped potential of these areas, fostering inclusive growth. Union Bank PLC is dedicated to providing banking services to rural populations who currently do not have access to banking, helping them improve their financial situation. Union Bank PLC is contributing to the economic development of Bangladesh and promoting a more inclusive and environmentally conscious banking sector.

Data replicated from official bank website Union Bank PLC Limited