All Barguna Sadar Upazilla Postal Code in Barguna District. Find Barguna Sadar Postal Code near you in Barguna District Post Office name with Postal Codes. Barguna Sadar Upazilla, located in Barguna district of Bangladesh, has a total number of 32 Post Office. The following table of all the Post Office of Barguna Sadar Upazilla will help you to keep the Postal Code of any particular Post Office including type and other related information. Clicking on Post Office names shows you Post Code directly. We have sorted the list alphabetically by Post Office name.

Post Office Upazilla District Post Code Type
Adabaria Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Ashakhali Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Aylachandkhaly Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Badarkhaly Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Barguna Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 HO
Barguna College Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 TSO
Barguna Court Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 TSO
Bhorabetmor Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Bowalkar Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Chalitatolybazar Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Charakgachiabazar Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Courtbaria Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Dalbhanga Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Dhupati Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Dokkhin Tetulbaria Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Dokkhinvora Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO


Gourichanna Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Hewlibunia Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Horidrabaria Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Kadamtalabazar Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Kamarerhat Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Khajura Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Khakbunia Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Latabaria Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Maitha Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Mirmahal Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Nali Bandar Barguna Sadar Barguna 8701 EDSO
Parirkhal Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Phuljuri Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Potkakhaly Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Roadparahat Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Shialia Barguna Sadar Barguna 8700 EDBO
Note: All information about post code and post office displayed above is collected from Bangladesh Post Office website or profile. is not responsible if found any wrong or incomplete branch information in this page. If found any wrong information, please contact us so that we could update database in the shortest time.

List of all Post Office Post Code in Barguna

How to find a Barguna Sadar Upazilla Postal Code

Each administrative division manages its own postal codes to ensure efficient mail delivery. Using the correct code is crucial for the timely arrival of your mail. To find the correct postal codes for Bangladesh, simply click on the destination Post Office from the list above.

If you’re not sure about the post code you need, don’t worry—our search feature at the top of the page can help you quickly identify the correct postal code. Additionally, you can explore our website, which allows you to easily access the postal codes you need by clicking on the specific area you’re sending mail to. This ensures that your mail will be correctly routed and delivered without delay.

Data replicated from Official Website